Why Is Photography So Expensive?!
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Friday, April 20, 2012
By Anthony Morrison
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So I have felt the need in the past weeks to share with you my thoughts on this hot-button topic in the industry. I'm aware of the countless blogs and articles and posts and essays written in regards to it, but I feel that every photographer should have an open and loud stance on it. So here it is people...




There's no debate. There's no detour. There's not Easy Button. There's nothing but the obvious. But why?!


Photography is more than pushing a button; it's more than seeing something that looks cool and then turning it Black & White later, or lowering the saturation 25 points and call it "vintage classic." NO.


Essentially, you're paying for someone to CREATE for you. Not just snap a shot and hand it over. You're asking someone to share with you how they see the world in their eyes, which is vastly different than the way anyone else sees the world. Isn't that why you choose one photographer over another? In a world where everything visual is so accesible to the average Joe, or in many cases, Uncle Joe at your wedding who is now a "professional" photographer after buying a new expensive Gizmo from the Geek Squad yesterday. Let me remind you, I'm not on a rant, I'm actually laughing and smiling as I write this because I know you are already of aware of all of this!




Reality is, if you're finding a photographer who will undercut the market or do something close to free, or "for their portfolio," they probably aren't very confident in their trade yet, OR, are still relatively new to the market and can't afford to lose an opportunity. BEEN THERE! and actually, still there on occassion lol. If you're going to hire a QUALITY photographer, pay them well, and be patient.


Photography is expensive, friends. It should be. The creative tools like Apps and Software and Quality Cameras should be accessible to the public, I'm down with that. But please leave it to the credentialed to take on capturing the things in this life that you truly hold dear to you. Think of it as making someone responsible to CREATE a permanent memory. Think tattoo! Would you rather want someone who knows what they're doing and pay for that quality? Or would you rather have a friend do it for free and start cutting up you until you say you're done. Food for thought.


Creativity. Is. Expensive. It should be.

Leave a comment:
katy c - you sexy beast. there is no amount too much to spend on you. let's marry.
Ally - So true! A lot of people think photographers are out to get a quick "buck" but the equipment is very expensive, and it's very timely! The money paid is well worth it.