Posts with tag: "Photography"
Why Is Photography So Expensive?!
Friday, April 20, 2012

So I have felt the need in the past weeks to share with you my thoughts on this hot-button topic in the industry. I'm aware of the countless blogs and articles and posts and essays written in regards to it, but I feel that every photographer should have an open and loud stance on it. So here it is people... PHOTOGRAPHY. IS. EXPENSIVE. There's no debate. There's no detour. There's not Easy Button. There's nothing but the obvious. But why?! Photography is more than pushing a button; it's more than seeing something that looks cool and then turning it Black & White later, or lowering the saturation 25 points and call it "vintage classic." NO.  Essentially, you're paying ...

There's Something About Getting Back Up...
Friday, April 20, 2012
Why Is Photography So Expensive?!

I think it's fitting for the inaugural Blog post to be titled "There's Something About Getting Back Up." I've always been one to advocate the movements of "never give up, never surrender;" of "following your dream(s);" of the cliche ideas of going after the things that bring you to life. It's what empowers me to keep wanting more out of my photography - to keep chasing after this trade which has become my life and passion. I want this photography pipe-dream of mine to be more than just about Portraits, Weddings, Seniors and Special Events. This to me is the training ground, and I'm purely excited to see where it leads me next."Drive" details all that I am; to always want more, to always be ...